In response to Chartmetric removing playlist data for free users, we now provide 7 days of historical data for free and Full Access for only $15/month.
Bot Detection & Playlist Data for Spotify
We collect & interpret data from Spotify to provide critical insights music industry pros need to make marketing decisions.
✅ Bot Checker for playlists, artists, tracks & curators
✅ Playlist Search & Contact Info to submit to playlists
✅ Estimated Listener Data for playlists
✅ ...and so much more
Mentioned by industry professionals like
Find the right playlists, avoid the wrong ones.
We track data on 1,000,000+ playlists, 30,000+ artists, and 100+ scam networks.
Being Monitored
Playlist Contact Details
Artists Monitored for Bots/Fraud
Professionals Using
Botted Playlists Detected
Contact playlist curators faster with over 30,000 constantly updated playlist curator contacts.
☑️ Spotify Playlist Finder. Identify the exact playlists you're looking for with advanced search filters. Basically a PlaylistSupply alternative that's cheaper and better.
☑️ Artist Search. Search for playlists that include artists similar to you.
☑️ Bot-Free Playlists. We rigorously monitor every playlist for potential bot activity and exclude any botted playlists from your search automatically. We also exclude inactive playlists and playlists with no listeners.
☑️ Numerous Contact Methods. Contact playlist curators through Instagram, Email, SubmitHub, Groover, and SubmitLink.
☑️ Pitch Templates. Easily copy-paste a pitch template pre-filled with the curator's name, playlist title, and top artists.
Playlist Search Engine
Submit Music to Spotify Playlists
Gain crucial and actionable insights into the legitimacy of playlists with our comprehensive playlist analyzer.
We also analyze artists, tracks, and curators!
Think isitagoodplaylist and Chartmetric, but better and cheaper.
Playlist Analyzer
+Artists, Tracks, & Curators
Analyze Playlists, Artists, and Curators
☑️ Monthly Listeners. We're the only site that accurately predicts a playlist's monthly listeners.
☑️ Bot Detection. No one does playlist bot detection better than us. You'll never get caught wondering if a playlist is genuine or botted.
☑️ Historical Evolution. View historical follower gain, daily follower gain, popularity/track changes, and other growth trends over any period. Basically a Chartmetric alternative that's cheaper and better).
☑️ Keyword Ranking. See how a playlist ranks on any keyword, in any country, in Spotify Search. Optimize playlists for organic growth via SEO.
...and so many more insights...
☑️ Botted Playlist Checker. Run your artist profiles through our system to ensure your playlist placements are genuine. If you're in a botted playlist or get added to one, we'll let you know.
☑️ Playlist Placements. See what playlists, editorials, or botted playlists an artist is featured in.
☑️ Popularity Score. View your internal Spotify-determined popularity score out of 100.
☑️ Historical Evolution. View historical monthly listeners, daily follower gain, popularity changes, and other growth trends over any period (basically Chartmetric or SpotOnTrack, but better and cheaper).
...and so many more metrics...
☑️ Popularity Tracking. Track your tracks' Spotify popularity over time.
☑️ Playlist Placements. See what playlists include your song, and which of those playlists are botted.
☑️ Historical Evolution. View historical stream growth, daily stream growth, popularity/playlist changes, and growth trends over any period (basically Chartmetric or SpotOnTrack, but better and cheaper).
...and so many more metrics...
☑️ Playlist Comparison. Analyze historical graphs on every playlist in 1 view to spot high performers or outliers.
☑️ Track Management. If you verify you own a curator profile, gain access to a fleet of playlist management features.
☑️ Historical Evolution. View historical follower gain, daily follower gain, popularity changes, and other growth trends over any period.
...and so many more metrics...
They're not just fake streams. Bots put your entire artist profile at risk. We solve that.
☑️ Bot Checker. Run unlimited playlists, artists, tracks, or curators through our comprehensive Spotify bot checker/Spotify playlist checker.
☑️ Fraud Alerts (soon). If you get added to a botted playlist, we'll immediately notify you.
⚠️ Risks of Botting
↪ 90%+ reduction in algorithm support
↪ 100% exclusion from Editorial placements
↪ At high risk of being removed from Spotify
↪ Some distributors charge you $$$ for being placed in botted playlists (like DistroKid)
Advanced Bot Detection
Our data shows up to 64% of small artists actively marketing their music have been placed in botted playlists
Protect Yourself From Bots
Spotify Bot Checker
Paste a Spotify playlist or artist URL for a free bot check.
We collect and interpret data from Spotify and turn it into powerful insights that help music industry professionals make fast and confident marketing decisions. originated as a personal marketing solution built by Aaron Whittington (also SubmitLink & Priceable). Somewhere along the way it snowballed into the industry go-to for all things Spotify data.
© 2024 ALW Holdings Inc. All rights reserved.
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