Best PlaylistRankings Alternative 2025 is a tool to track keyword search rankings (SEO) on a playlist. is an PlaylistRankings alternative that's better and cheaper.
☑️ Real-time Data
☑️ 6x Cheaper
☑️ Bulk Searching
➕ A bunch more goodies...
Preached by industry leaders like
Why is the best PlaylistRankings alternative?
Unlimited Keywords
Data Updated
Weekly (or Daily for $199/m)
Real-time Search
Why do music professionals use over PlaylistRankings?
Search keywords in real-time and receive mounds of critical information, like:
Keyword Volume: Get a rating on each keyword to see its value and monthly search volume. Perfect for knowing which keywords to optimize for.
Similar Keywords: See what keywords related to your search is trending, providing opportunities to explore more keywords.
Top 50 Playlists: View the top 50 playlists for any keyword in any market!
Playlist Keyword History: See a historical view of what keywords a playlist has ranked for over time, and how their positions evolved over time.
A data platform providing comprehensive bot detection, playlist analysis, and curator contact info for artists to build safe and successful careers on Spotify.
© 2024 ALW Holdings Inc. All rights reserved.
Built by Aaron Whittington (also SubmitLink & Priceable).
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